Friends of Broadway
Friends of Broadway is Broadway Parents supporting Broadway Students.
Friends of Broadway Elementary School is the parent-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that supports Broadway Elementary School. The funds raised through our efforts supplement the school’s operational budget to bring essential support and enrichments to all of Broadway’s students.
The rigorous language immersion programs at Broadway (Mandarin and Spanish) attract a culturally and socio-economically diverse body of students from across Los Angeles. As a regular Los Angeles Unified School District program of choice (Broadway is neither a magnet nor a charter), Broadway does not receive extra funding to implement the unique team-teaching model of foreign language immersion. Friends of Broadway’s most pressing annual goal is to provide the human resources necessary to support our outstanding teachers and give every student the extra attention that achieving academic proficiency in two languages requires.
In addition to funding additional staff, Friends of Broadway supports programs and resources that enrich the students’ days in numerous ways. From STAR PE to Spirit Series and field trips, Friends of Broadway brings special resources that our students enjoy throughout the year.
Next Board Meeting:
February 26th at 8:00 pm
Zoom Link
Passcode: LoveBES
Administrative Items (minutes, agenda)
Board votes on budget items (<$5K)
Finance Team Update
Fundraising Events Team Update
Communications Team Update
New Business (if any)
Parents can access the approved Operating Budget at the following link:
A PDF of the Operating Budget can also be found on the Finance reports webpage.
If parents have any questions regarding the budget, please send to
During a Special Board meeting held on January 30th, the FOBES membership in attendance passed the budget allocation of $57,500 to support MI teacher training and curricular development with 88% for, 10% against, and 2% abstaining. Thank you to all those parents and guardians who attended and voted (over 150 people!!) If you are not familiar with the proposal, you can find link below.
Recording of Jan 22nd Monthly FOBES meeting:
Presentation of Proposal for Use of MI restricted funds (updated for January 22nd meeting):
Video introduction of Kevin Wong, Professor of Teaching Credential at Pepperdine University, and a parent in our community, who has volunteered to oversee the project if it is approved (5.5 minute):
Passcode: OEQ#Ep0&